Meet the Teacher

Welcome to Grade 5!  My name is Mrs. Jennifer Pieczonka and I am so excited to be your 5th grade teacher!  I believe that everyone in our class was created by God as a unique individual with different talents, abilities and interests.  This is what makes our class so great!  God has given each of you a place in our class.  Our class is like a puzzle, and together we make a beautiful picture created by God.  If anyone were missing, the puzzle would not be complete.  You all bring a different piece of the puzzle to the class with your many talents and personality traits.  Each of you, with your individual strengths, will have opportunities to learn and grow over the school year, and help one another do the same!  My job is to put the puzzle together, so to speak.  I get to help you learn and grow, to recognize your strengths and to guide you to help one another!  I can't wait to spend the year with you, getting to know you and your place in our puzzle.  I can't wait to spend the year with a bunch of smarties like you.  

Be sure to check out our blog regularly to stay up-to-date with all the exciting things grade 5 has to offer!  What an amazing journey we get to embark on together and I can't wait for it to begin!

All about me:
I graduated from the University of Winnipeg in 2000 and have taught at St. Alphonsus School since 2005 (although I was away twice for maternity leaves).  This is my eightth year teaching grade 5.  Before teaching grade 5 I taught both grades 7 and 8.  I am married (to a spectacular guy who is a Phys. Ed. teacher) and have two amazing sons.  My oldest son has started grade 9 this year, and my youngest is in grade 5 with me, here at St. Als!  When I am not teaching or planning awesome things for us to do at school, I enjoy being outside (bike rides, walks and hikes, swimming, golfing, camping, gardening), online shopping (even for groceries!), reading (especially with my kids) and napping!  Oh, I my family just adopted two kittens!